Intervention Links
Books on Intervention
Johnson, Vernon E.
Intervention : How to Help Someone Who Doesn't Want Help : A Step-By-Step Guide for Families of Chemically Dependent Persons
- An excellent primer.
Johnson, Vernon E.
I'll Quit Tomorrow : A Practical Guide to Alcoholism Treatment - Revised edition (September 1990).
- Where it all started - A classic in the field.
Rogers & McMillin
Freeing Someone You Love from Alcohol and Other Drugs : A Step-By-Step Plan Starting Today! - Rev/Expnd edition (February 1992).
- As good as any and better than most.
Schaefer, Dick
Choices & Consequences - 1987, Johnson Institute.
- Intervening with teenagers.
White, Robert & White, Deborah (Editors)
Addiction Intervention : Strategies to Motivate Treatment-Seeking Behavior - 1998, Haworth Press.
Intervention considerations in a variety of settings. |